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Lucas Ellerbroek - Planet Hunters - Lucas Ellerbroek

Lucas Ellerbroek

Lucas Ellerbroek (1984) estudió Física Teórica y obtuvo un PhD en Astrofísica en la Universidad de Ámsterdam, y desde pequeño ha vivido fascinado con los planetas. En su investigación de doctorado siguió de cerca la búsqueda de extraterrestres. Ellerbroek es conocido por “De Wereld Leert Door” (El mundo sigue aprendiendo) y las charlas TEDx; también fue organizador y presentador de Nerd Nite. Actualmente trabaja como investigador postdoctoral en astronomía planetaria, y como periodista independiente para el periódico holandés NRC y para la popular revista juvenil Kijk.

Lucas in de media
Lucas bij Reyers Laat, Canvas, 25 november 2014,
Lucas bij De Wereld Leert Door, 17 januari 2013,
Lucas bij TedX Haarlem, 23 mei 2013,
Lucas bij Nerd Nite, 25 maart 2014,
Lucas bij KNAW – Faces of Science (inclusief filmpje)
Lucas’ artikelen in NRC,
Lucas bij Met het Oog op Morgen, 11 november 2014 (vanaf 23:45),
Lucas bij Radio 1 Kunststof, 12 november 2014,

Lucas Ellerbroek

Credit: Sacha de Boer

Cazadores de Planetas
“There are thousands of planets like the Earth out there, hundreds of lightyears distant, waiting to be discovered. Ellerbroek describes this exciting adventure, which is now entering a new and very significant phase, in colourful detail.”
Nobel Prize Physics 1999,
Professor theoretical physics (UU)
“A compelling adventure full of surprising details that show why astronomy is so fascinating..
Professor mathematical physics (UvA),
Director and Leon Levy Professor (IAS, Princeton)
“In this timely book by Lucas Ellerbroek, the characters who have participated in the discovery of these other worlds share their personal stories. Discoveries are made by individuals, thanks to their vision, enthusiasm and perseverance, and also through friendship, collaboration and competition. Planet Hunters is a lively fresco of that international endeavour. .
Professor of Astrophysics (University of Geneva),
Discoverer of the first exoplanet
“Planet Hunters by Lucas Ellerbroek provides dozens of delightful (and sometimes humorous) histories of individuals who thought and wrote about planets and life around other stars before the recent discoveries provided facts. It is both informative and a pleasure to read. I highly recommend it..
Kepler Principal Investigator (NASA Ames Research Center)

“Ellerbroek has written a captivating, up-close-and-personal chronicle of this remarkable burst of discovery. .
Senior Astronomer (SETI Institute)

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